Solomon's Temple in Hebrew is בית המקדש.It is translated to Beit HaMikdash, meaning the House of the Holy.The temple was known as the first temple. It was located in Jerusalem, and built by king Solomon. The temple was designed to hold the Ark of the Covenant and where the Israelites worshiped the God of Israel.Also sacrifices called korbanot were performed. The sacrifices were done with usually animals, such as sheep and bull. The temple was finsihed being built in 960 BCE and was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BCE.
In 516 BCE the templewas rebuilt, commonly called the second temple. It is described in the Book of Ezra .Also it was approved by the Persian king Cyrus the Great and ratified by Darius the Great. Then Herod the Great decided that the old temple would be torn down and replaced by a much better one. The temple was known as Herod's Temple. It stood until 70 CE till it was destroyed during the First Jewish-Roman War, by the Roman general Titus.
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