Agamemnon, king of the Greek Army, cries and says that they have lost the war. He thinks the best thing to do is just sail home. Diomedes said he would not give up and even fight by himself if he had to. He helps raise the armies' spirit and they decide to stay in the war and not return home. Old Nestor suggests during a meeting that the absence of Achilles is causing suffering to the Greek Army. Agamemnon decides to offer him many gifts and let Briseis return if he will rejoin the army. Ajax and Odysseus go to send the message to Achilles.
Achilles refuses the offer to come back and fight in the army. He says he will not be bought back by the King. Also that Agamemnon can not ever change the fact that he publicly insulted him, no matter how many things he gives me. He says there is no way that he will participate in the war and that he and his man will sail home in the morning. They go back to tell King Agamemnon the bad news at Achaian camp. The king is filled with great sorrow from the news. Diomedes says it was a mistake to have even tried to persuade Achilles to come back. They are advised to do what ever they can to protect their ships with or without Achilles .

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