Tutankhamun's original name was Tutankhaten, which means living image of Aten. Aten was the disk of the sun in ancient Egyptian mythology. Tutankhamun means living image of Amun. Amun is as deity in Egyptian mythology. He became Pharaoh at nine years old, and ruled for about ten years. Tutankhamun's tomb is in the Valley of the Kings, discovered by Carter. His tomb was the most complete Ancient Egyptian royal tomb ever found. When he was younger Ay made the political decisions when he was very young. Tutankhamun was one of the very few pharaohs’ not worshiped as a god and instead had cult like followers, when he was still alive. A stela was discovered at Karnak and devoted to Amun and Tutankhamun, where people would come to ask for forgiveness for their wrong doings. Temples of his cult were also built in Kawa and Faras in Nubia.
Tutankhamun's cause of death was unknown. In 1968 x-ray results revealed a dense spot in his skull, which is an injury from some kind of accident. Some people believe he could have been murdered. A trauma specialist from Long Island University thinks that this injury could not have been from a natural cause. The injury was caused by blunt force to the head.
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